Top Church, located at the top of Dudley High Street, is home to a growing congregation, aspiring to be a highly visible, outward facing church. We have a vision for the church to be a blessing to local communities across Dudley. To date, this has seen the Top Church building become a hub of worship and community activity in the centre of the town six days a week.
Team Vicar - Dudley Parish
Come and join the Dudley adventure!
Six years ago, with the support of our Bishops, the Dudley Town Churches embarked on a new chapter of renewal through the planting of a resourcing church.
Top Church, as it’s locally known, is now a lively Anglican church at the heart of the town. We are now ready to enter into the next chapter to renew our churches in the Dudley team and develop community hubs.
You will have lead responsibility to develop two of our churches based on local housing estates. This will be with support from the resourcing church team - you won’t be alone.
The missional opportunities in Dudley are endless, but so too are the challenges, therefore we are looking for someone who is:
Of a mature, spirit-filled, resilient faith.
Passionate for Jesus and his Kingdom!
Driven to love and build community in an urban deprived and diverse setting.
A competent, collaborative, patient and compassionate leader.
Hope-filled for church growth.
Excited by the opportunities offered by our local housing estates and willing to love Dudley!
Ultimately, we’d love to welcome someone who will be at home with us, feel enthused by the challenges and want to develop and grow ministry in our wonderful but deprived urban setting.
Application forms and details from:
The Bishop’s O?ce, The Old Palace,
Deansway, Worcester WR1 2JE
Email: bishop.worcester@cofe?
Closing Date: 21st June 2024
Interviews will be held on 22nd July 2024
The Diocese of Worcester is committed to increasing diversity in appointments.
This post is subject to enhanced DBS.
Parish Profile