Top Church Dudley Skyline

Our Services

 It's Advent! 

Come and join us at our 4pm celebrations - why not bring a friend?

8th December - Christingle. 

15th December - Carols by Candlelight

22nd December - Crib Service

Our Christmas eve/day services are as follows: 

24th December - Holy Communion, 11.30pm

Christmas Day - Holy Communion, 10am

During December, our 11am services will be reflective in nature and there will not be additional kids' work available. The Creche will of course be open for families to use. 

We currently have 2 services every Sunday, at 11am and 4pm
as well as a midweek service at 12.30pm every Wednesday

If you are unable to join us on a Sunday, but would like to watch online, please email 

You can catch up on previous sermon series on our YouTube channel. 

Top Church @ 11am

If you want to be at church but would value a bit more physical space, our reflective communion services at 11am might be for you. There is children's ministry for pre-school and Key Stage 1 children


Top Church @ 4pm

Join us at 4pm for a lively, contemporary service, including our youth and children's ministry as well as food for children after the service and hot drinks for the grown ups!